Monday, April 4, 2011

Fun Email Quiz

1.ton professional e-mail message should be:

a. Conversational.

b. Formal.

c. Casual - like the tone you use with your friends


D. "Yo, dude! Whassup ?"

Answer: A. You May Be as casual as you like with friends, breaking all the rules of grammar and punctuation you want. But this is not true for communication with clients and colleagues. Business communications should be professional. The e-mail, a professional translation in conversational - not too casual and not too formal


2 One method to achieve a conversational tone:

a. Use slang and jargon terms.

b. Use contractions.

c. Use acronyms.

D. Stand up and shout to the whole office. See if you can run a "wave ."

Answer: B. When you speak in a conversation, use contractions. Therefore, it is acceptable to use them in e-mail to create a conversational tone.

3 When the first type of e-mail, starting with:

a.primalac e-mail address.


c.adresata name.

D. "Yo, dude or dudette !"

Answer: C. Starting with the message recipient's name is not only personal, it will help avoid miscommunication and confusion. If you start a message without the recipient name, a person will not know whether the message was intended for him / her.

4 When writing an e-mail, the item will be:

be a long time.

b. Be brief.

c. Be drawn.

D. Being invisible - no one can mess it up this way


Answer: B. People are not willing to invest time reading messages that appear too long or boring. Short paragraphs are easier to read, because it has more white space. There is also less likely that the reader will miss the point.

5 The best way to several points in the e-mail is:

a. Include all the points in the first paragraph.

b. Include all the points in the last paragraph.

c. Use a bulleted list or numbered.

D. Put it on a banner to fly and rent a plane towing a banner over the office.

Answer: C. If you put more than one point in the paragraph above, it can be overlooked. Lists and bullets make your points stand out. They are also easier for a person to see.

6 At the end of the e-mail, you must include:

a. Only your name.

b. Only your name and company.

c. All of your relevant contact information.

D.slika your pet pythons and two tarantulas.

Answer: C. Provide people with information they need to contact you - in whatever way is best for them. May they prefer the telephone or via e-mail address.

7 If you know the recipient's e-mail read quickly and often in a hurry, the best way to send the supporting documents is:

a. Paste it into the message body.

b. Attach it as a separate document.

c. Type slowly.

D. Su submit it to the carrier pigeon.

Answer: a. when the recipient is in a hurry, he / she will be less likely to open an attachment, because it takes extra time. person is more likely to read something that the batter in front of him / her.

8 When sending messages, you need to copy (cc "):

a. Everyone in the department - just in case


b. Your boss and your boss' boss - so they know they're working hard


c. Only those people who absolutely need to know.

D.cijeli world. Why not? Everyone else does.

Answer: C. The "cc"function is the most abused function in the e-mail. Do not be a pain!

9 When writing, Subject Line:

a. Use a little common, such as "Hello" or "Hello ."

b. Be specific but brief.

c. Use a few sentences.

D. 'If you do not respond, I'll send Uncle Guido to break your knee caps ."

Answer: B. The generic Subject line says nothing of the recipient.
The more specific you are, the better chance you have of getting the recipient
open the message.

10 To write a short e-mail:

a. Omit wordy expressions.

b. Use a very small font (8 point ).

c. Type fast.

D. Omit letter and each other. "Oi LTE eey OHR ."

Answer: A. an effective way to write a summary is to omit unnecessary
words. For example, use "now" instead of "in the immediate future" and
"twice" instead of "on two different occasions ."

11 Whenever possible, e-mail message should be:

a. extremely detailed, even if the message is quite lengthy.

b. reduced to a single screen.

c. Forwarded to the author of the cartoons for future materials.

Answer: B. Most readers will take the time to read more than one screen. short message, the better chance you have of getting it read.

12 How much space can typically be viewed in the subject line?

a. 25-35 characters


b. 25-35 word


c. 50-75 characters


D. 50-75 word


Answer: A. The characters are defined as any letter or space. In other words,
Every time you move the spacebar, it counts as one character. topic
line that appears in most people's e-mail will show up around 25-35

13 When you respond to messages about the best time for a meeting, you should choose:

A Reply to all.

b. Reply.

Answer: B. The "Reply All" button will send an answer to everyone who was
sent the original message. They do not need to know your schedule. You
should "Answer " just a meeting coordinator. Then, he / she can choose
Best time to inform all.


13 = You're perfect. (But, I knew that already.) Keep sending e!

= 10 -12 You are wrong. Be a little cautious, though. You could learn a few tips from my book, e-mail Etiquette Made Easy ().

7-9 = You can use some help. Try my book, e-mail etiquette Made Easy ().

Less than 7 = Ugh! Call me now! We will schedule your Intensive care immediately.

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