Monday, May 30, 2011

Transmedia Storytelling - My Perspective

You May have been a hint of what Transmedia stories. You probably already do if you were paying attention to television and new trends in marketing strategy late. You're vaguely aware that Batman is physically scavenger hunt where they put the phone ball bags, and cakes or Heroes decided to launch a weekly comic strip to show scenes that do not bother shooting the characters you've never heard of. It's Transmedia. Type.

This is the story over two or more distinctly different media. comic novel. movie and game. comics, film, novels and television show. Anything that tells the same damn story. That's really all there is to it, although there is little detail on how to come into play.

core is something that I agreed in my mind and come up with their own meaning to. core at the center of the story. This is where everything happens, and what everyone needs to know. This is a point of slowing down, if someone loses refer back to figure out what is happening in other media hack. And that is the core divided into two different aspects.

the core of the story especially as the backbone. This space is all you are saying. Kid bitten by a radioactive spider. The world is actually a computer simulation. THERE super powers! Regardless of the basis of the story becomes the essence of the story and what a story can not live without.

secondary to the core medium. This is often where the original core of the story is told, even though it means something more than that. core is a medium where the story is often told, and where the story is meant to take place. This medium is the appropriate medium that is needed to get the essence of the story.

Beyond this, other media camp out and take a piece of the story to their own stories. They take aspects, they are the whole story and they take just about every aspect of the story can be extended on to something more than the story. It is these media that Transmedia happening and where the magic happens.

One of the goals of Transmedia in the story, apart from lucrative marketing advantage that most large companies are taking advantage is that the story can be expanded. Characters can gain more depth and writers can show the world a better place. There are more than ever before and there is a chance to tell the different aspects that may not have worked well in the center of the media in the media to work better.

and there loves another purpose behind it. There are certain stories that are sometimes cut from the story because they do not work well for comic books or video. Deep introspection is better for the novel. With Transmedia, meditation can be fully explored on the screen where it would be boring. Specific aspects of the story or you can get their right to treatment in the Transmedia instead of being cut or heavily modified to fit in with thethe rest of the of the story in the chosen medium .

Transmedia storytelling is new and still going through the pains of adolescence trying to define themselves. Aspects have not yet set in stone and there will be more movement in the coming years. But in the meantime, growing pains are converted to a reversal in the way stories are told. Given the time, it should blossom into something wonderful.

Nursing Uniforms - Make It Comfortable

Gone are the days when you used to find nurses working in hospitals wearing boring uniforms. Today with the evolution taking place in science and technology, nursing uniforms are not left behind. Go to any hospital, nursing home or health facility at any place, one thing you find everywhere is that the nurses dressed in smart uniforms with attractive colors and designs. Previously, nursing uniforms, were mostly monochromatic, with a drab style and were uncomfortable as well. The nurses had to work every day in these clothes, from time to time because of obstacles to their work as well. Today, wearing comfortable clothing is the first priority to work anywhere and nurses in particular need to wear clothes that are comfortable and can work freely.

nursing uniforms undergone a sea change from white clothes, and today you can find nurses wearing uniforms and nursing scrubs of different colors that are attractive and practical for use, and one was working during the day. Often, nurses have to work late hours, sometimes they also have to sleep in a hospital in their uniforms, and this is why it is very important to care that they wear uniforms must be wrinkle free. The nurses who attend to children in the children's ward at the hospital can cope with uniforms pictures cartoon characters. Kids will love this, and they will not feel uncomfortable when the nurses attending to them. I can not do a professional if their uniforms are not comfortable and this applies especially to the nurses as they work to attend the sick and needy.

nursing uniforms can be found in the discount rate, you just need to find a retailer that offers a good price and you can find nursing uniforms from them. At the time of nursing uniforms can be quite expensive, so it would be better if you opt for the discount nursing uniforms. You May be thinking that just because the uniforms are offered at a discount rate May not be in finding a uniform in color and are looking for, but it is not so. Through the discount nursing uniforms, nursing uniforms, you can find different types and colors, including the one you requested. Sometimes you can find nursing uniforms are offered at a discount of 20% or more.

Different types of nursing uniforms are available and some common ones among them are unisex pants, boxer pants, unisex shirts and others. In addition, you can find nursing uniforms from online websites and for this you need to know where you can buy a uniform care. You can run a search on the World Wide Web and find out which sites are offering you the best prices on the basis that you can buy nursing uniforms that you need. Make sure you keep the comfort factor in mind before you buy a pattern for nursing uniforms, any place whether it is from an on-line stores or form in the center of your town.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

10 Training Myths Busted

10 Common Fitness Myths:

There are several myths that have been decades in the gym. If I had a quarter of the myths I've heard from clients, and even the coaches, then you would probably end up with about $ 100. It's pathetic how many "coaches" and exercise enthusiasts to spread disinformation without even noticing it. Here are some common myths:

1 Heavy weights for bulk, light weights to tone the


It must be the most common and poorly understood myth in the gym today. It is usually used by women who insisted on the belief that productive, heavy training by men automatically leads to huge muscles. Let me tell you as a coach and a person who trains religiously, nobody ever got a great chance! This myth is just to say: "I'd rather not jog this morning, because I do not want to win in a marathon run this year." Calories build muscle! You can tone muscles, muscle toning is a myth! Muscle "form", which is usually what people call a "tone" is actually a natural genetic form of your muscles. You can build muscle while you burn overlying fat, but you can not tone muscle. If you do not believe you can change the genetics, then we ask that suddenly grows 5 cm. Please make a sudden your arms grow in length. Please, suddenly transformed into a giant bear. Do you see my point? Cutting fat can often result in the appearance of a well-rounded, more balanced muscle, it is not due to the high repetition work. Common sense tells us that, of course, will look thinner and different fat because the fat loss is no longer covers the muscle.

2 "Turn fat into muscle !"

You gotta be kidding me, right? Turn fat into muscle? I'm sure someone said this in his past. The fact is, you have to believe, it is misinformation. "Fat is your body is stored energy, the energy you consume through food and not used as ATP (energy). "muscle"is a large and sometimes small, hard things that allows you to move with the permission of the central nervous system. You can burn fat and build muscle you can, but do not suddenly turn into another. Then you have to ask: "Why are fat people is stronger than skinny people." Most fat people are stronger because your muscles have to work harder in order to allow movement for them. Their biceps moving £ 5 to flex your elbows, your biceps are 2 pounds or whatever your hand tends to


3 Stick to the isolation of the movement, the compounds interfere with the development of hypertrophy.

This has got to be the most overrated there is a myth. This myth is probably the main reason not to train in the gym. First off: your body does not work in isolation, she works in the unit. Do not believe me? Every movement of the human body requires more than one muscle to contract. Notice when you flare your elbows out when the bench, you can put more demand on unnecessary muscles, and are more prone to injuries. This is because your DNA is smarter than the idiot who said that isolate your chest for maximum growth, or any other muscle for that matter. Movements use more muscles, and this is something that should be respected, not avoided. Let your body move the way it is designed to move, you will receive fewer injuries and more power in this way


4 "Walk up to a larger guy and do what he does !"

This myth is most ridiculous. Anyone who has the experience to be seen when walking noodle walk to the man who has escaped from Jurassic Park and ask him how he trains. Beginners nervous system, tendons and muscles need to work differently than the big guys. You should be training differently in the sense that what you do develop your body as a whole, where it could be more isolated using the approach of lagging muscle development. Get your information from books. Any genetically gifted idiot in the gym can not tell you how to do something, it takes a clever idiot to publish it


5 "More is better ."

I've heard so many times people say things like: "He spends five hours a day in the gym 6 days a week." You should be aware that this is his problem. Yes, I just said problem. See, your body uses food for energy in the gym and it is often quickly run out of glucose, when it runs out of glucose and has a contract: it either will be used creatine phosphate or break down amino acids (stored in muscles) to make glucose in order to maintain their energetic body. It is also harder on your nervous system and endocrine system. endocrine system produces testosterone to anabolic muscle gains, and to produce cortisol, a hormone that is catabolic, which means it eats muscle, after a long period of stress. Spend no more than three days a week at the gym as a beginner, and when you become more advanced, you can get away with four days. It does not matter that the guy on steroids, because his testosterone is not natural, it is a synthetic


6 "Cholesterol is bad !"

First of all: there are two types of cholesterol, one is poor, the other is good. HDL, means "high-density lipo-proteins" and this is your good cholesterol. This cholesterol is used to eliminate excessive testosterone and testosterone negative (LDL) from the body, because it contains "a high lipoprotein, which gets its name from containing more protein than cholesterol. You can find examples of HDL in the high-protein meals such as chicken, eggs and fish. Now, other types of "LDL", which is mainly found in sweets and red meat is bad cholesterol. "LDL" means "low-density lipoprotein. Be aware of which one you're consuming.

7 "The machines are safer than free weights"

This myth is popular as a result of the stupid commercials that you brain washed into thinking their product actually works. Sooner or later, ends disappear and you never hear of it again. I wonder why? They made ​​their money off of it, and complaints are now nobody wants to buy and they are caught in its lack of effectiveness.

You must understand your body moving in different planes of motion, not just one. When you set down on the couch rails are guides, not to be. Machines lack the maturity and stabilization of focus on agonists and synergists muscle (unnatural), and the results automatically in a serious imbalance. Do not believe me? Exercise at smith machine for six months, and then go test bench. I bet it is not so much on free weights rather than machines. Why is this so? Because the machine is not to develop your stabilizer muscles. Also moving indirect aircraft movements that are unnatural for the human body. Never let the bar way to determine the rail or cables!

8 "Work the muscles, not movements !"

First off all do not work "muscles" are doing MOVEMENT! See how far you get unnatural movements outside the gym. Better yet, design a person "A" routine as the bench press as his primary exercise for the chest and flown to other people. Bench presses will progress more, will hit more muscle, and will develop the core better. As long as your resistance exercise and weight progress, you are getting bigger and stronger. Even so, shares are often neglected the proper frequency of muscle. Studies have shown that hitting the muscle with lower volume spread out over weeks instead of blasting the muscles in one workout and returned it seven days later is far more beneficial to the natural pickup. You recover faster and exercise more, and that means its less hard on the nervous system and allow more opportunities for advancement


9 "chinups the dominant bicep ".

Oh boy, I just had to include this. Chinups biceps work harder than the back? Really? OK. Cool. Well, I want you to prove this theory. How you might ask? Well, I want to go to the gym and curl your body weight. If you do, then you have proven to me that the biceps by pulling your weight up on chinup. The fact is - it is not. lats existence based on their ability to pull out. Everything you do with supinated grip pronated grip instead of taking the lift from the teres minor and using less Brachioradialis. We are also putting your biceps in a more efficient pulling position, where it can be improved with the help of lats. LAT movement is dominant, it does not work the biceps, but the dominant impetus comes from the larger and more demanding of the upper back muscles


10 "Am I overtraining ?"

can answer that, but - NO! "Over" and "training " is often assumed to mean "training too much." For a person who has done their research, I can see why they assume this is a fact - that's not what it means. "Overtraining" is a psychological condition that results from elaborating too hard for too long. You do not get insomnia, difficulty breathing, depression and all these other side effects from training your biceps too hard in one session. It comes from the impact of large movements too hard for too long without deload week. There is "overreaching" phase that comes before the overtraining phase. Overreaching is often misleading to overtraining, but the two are not the same. Overtraining is much worse, it is a condition that can not pass unnoticed. This is something that most professional and advanced lifters have to worry about. If you've been overtraining your nervous system, do not you think you want to be the first to notice it? It would take months of training in order to recover, and some said that it will never be the same again. Do not think as a state of overtraining, I think it's a disease.

Butt of the Joke

in every form of humor, be it a visual gag, comic strip, sketches, one-liner or a full routine, there is always a target or victim. butt of jokes, as we call it popular, it can be a person, object, animal, place or even an idea or view.

you can take your choice for yourself. Self-deprecating humor is popularly used by many stand-up comedians as well as ice-breaker for warming up their crowd. What they do is, they make fun of their obvious shortcomings or insecurities. They were chosen on it, so to speak. This may be their physical outlook (fat, nerdy, etc), their failures, their race, their character or their intelligence (or rather lack of it!) goggled-eyed late comedian Rodney Dangerfield is known for this type of humor. It always starts with his signature line "I do not get no respect "!

The next victims are celebrities, or authority. They can be movie stars, presidents, your director or even your dad! That's why the tabloids love to promote and make fun of celebrities' shortcomings, mistakes and peculiarities. more famous or more powerful person, laugh more.

The objects of ridicule can be anything and everything. Poles or structures are standard comic devices for both the visual and performing artists such as clowns and cartoonists, respectively. Most of these objects are visual clichés, the usual stuff that every day readers or audience can connect with or relate to. While props are animate objects, but we take one step further by giving them a mind of their own. One very common set-up composed of a cartoonist is a man watching TV and TV seem rude or sarcastic remarks at him, without his knowledge. Objects and animals that can be used as a visual metaphor. Most political cartoonists at daily newspapers employ the device of visual humor.

Animals can be used as a target for humor, but most of the time, we are not actually laughing at the animals. Animals are usually used as a metaphor for human fears, foibles and weaknesses of others. We can find many animal traits that are recognizable as human traits.

you can pile a lot of funny stuff on places or settings. To start off, you can make fun of where you live. Or the famous street, the office, a common weak or lover's lane. Virtually anywhere, as long as you can make fun of u.

ideas or views that may be targets for humor abounds too. It all depends on the audience or reader concerns. As attitudes and ideas are personal in nature, targeting the cause laughter may offend the person concerned. They can be sensitive and controversial. So tread carefully on this basis at their own discretion. Or you May get a kick in the ass and in the end you are the butt of jokes!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Warhammer 40k - The Enemies of the Imperium

in the Warhammer 40K tabletop battle, the Imperium of Man is in constant war with their enemies. Throughout the year, Imperium of man has survived a variety of threats, wars and conflicts led to it by various forces and the alien races in the galaxy. Now is 40,000 years old and Imperium comes in contact with hosts who will stop at nothing to destroy everything that comes through your tracks. Imperium man defends ever loyal Space Marines, Imperial Guard brave and skillful Inquisition. Their enemies, however, also advanced in age and technology and their strength and numbers are sufficient to destroy the Imperium if the defenders of humanity falls short in battle.

Among these alien races, one of the most popular in the tabletop game is 40k Ork. Orks have green skin aliens described to be tall, muscular and totally barbaric. Their color is the result of mutations in fungi and mutation also are tough and adaptable. Orks provide comic relief in a dark world of Warhammer 40K. They are often shown to be stupid, but in reality, the Orks are as intelligent as the average person. Although crude and uncivilized, Orks prove to be very strong in the brutal, close combat battles such as these soldiers who fear nothing, not even death, using their physical strength and toughness to rule over their opponents.

Another popular Warhammer 40k tabletop feature was written by. Eldars are an ancient race, and yet they are one of the most advanced in terms of technology. Eldars are sometimes the strongest races in the galaxy, most of the ruling empire. However, they have experienced a catastrophe known as the autumn, which created the subject of chaos that destroyed the race. Some were lucky enough to have escaped a massive fall boarding ships called Craftsworld. There are some remaining Eldars, Dark Eldars, who embraced the Fall and turned to Slaanesh Chaos entity. There is a small part of Eldars who fled their world before the Fall and began to adopt more primitive way of life. In 40,000, Eldars are few, yet their advanced technology and superior psychic powers prove to be vital in their struggles. However, their biggest weakness is their fragile nature, Eldars can not absorb as much damage as other army in the 40k tabletop game


the greatest enemy of Imperium, however, still remains that the forces of Chaos. Chaos gods are the warp-entities that promote the destruction and death, anything they encounter. The forces of Chaos are these gods, their followers and soldiers, and the citizens they control. demons of chaos are those who constantly travel warp zones and possession vulnerable sailors and soldiers have come across. demons of chaos can turn even the most loyal servants in the most deadly traitors, demons makes this a great threat to the existence of the Imperium. The forces of Chaos also includes the fallen Space Marines, primarchs (leaders of Space Marines) and the imperial guards who have either turned their backs completely on the Imperium, or are possessed by demons.

These are just some of the alien races who live in the Milky Way, according to Games Workshop. Another important alien races, such as the Necrons, and Tyranids Taus are also used as an army in the 40K tabletop game. These armies all have their strengths and weaknesses that make them interesting to 40k players worldwide.

Best Birthday Gifts for Guys

We all people in our lives. It does not matter if the boyfriend, husband or father. Chances are you'll want to buy him the best! With his birthday coming up soon you might want to try some of these suggestions a birthday gift. We decided to compile a list of the best birthday gifts for guys. Each of these gift ideas are handpicked by our authors based on their popularity among men. We wanted to find the absolute best gift for you man! After all I think he deserves it. As far as our list, and some of the best gifts we could find.

# 5 Madden NFL 2011

for all Madden fans out there our first suggestion is Madden NFL 2011th The game is only available for the PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, Sony PSP and PlayStation 2 If you are a man owns one of these consoles are the chances that he might like this game. Especially if he is a fan of football. As for the game to the version in 22 video game franchise. The game redefines the way you experience playing football. It is much easier for the players because it combines all the 350 down to one game. In this way, the player will not have to spend time on his game during the harvest.

all-new play calling system has you spending less time to collect more time on the field. In fact the system has reduced playing time one hour and thirty minutes. This is one of the main advantages of the new game. In addition the game also includes extensive functionality and more. The game can be played in single player mode, multiplayer, or online. As for our proposal, we would like to recommend this gift for people who love football in video games.

# 4 on PlayStation 3

to this present proposal, we would like to recommend one of the most popular video game console market. PlayStation 3 is the third generation video game console brought to you by Sony Entertainment. For this gift we wanted to pick up a big ticket item that we thought that men would enjoy. After all people like playing video games. Especially if the recipient is a geek. Some of the more popular titles are available on the PlayStation. Some of these titles are Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, and Assassins Creed.

One of the main features of the PlayStation 3 that is unique to online gaming services. Other features include the robust multimedia capabilities and connectivity with the PSP. As mentioned above the PlayStation 3 is a big ticket item with an expensive price tag on it. If you're going to buy a PlayStation 3 then you're going to need some video games. Some of the best tittles for the PS3 Call of Duty, Bayonetta and Need for Speed​​. Each title is suitable for different guys who like shooters, RPGs, and racing games.

# 3 deaf

deaf eReader is brought to you by Barnes and Noble. Nook was based on the Android platform and makes a great gift for all those people who love to read. Its actually a few reasons we wanted to recommend this gift. The reason is that such eReaders corner cut demand for pulp products. Which reduces the need for deforestation. Of course, if only a few people have eReader it probably will not significantly reduce the level.

Unfortunately there are many other sources that require pulp products. However eReaders have a positive impact on the environment which is why we wanted to suggest. On top of that it also has many significant benefits for the owner. It can store a whole library of books and lots of titles are much cheaper than their paperback counterparts.

# 2 Watch

One of the best gifts you can ever give a man to watch. The reason is that the watches can be worn every day. On top of that, if they have one they can switch from a watch worn on a daily basis. In fact the only way to watch will not work as a gift if you already own dozens of them. If not then chances are you've got a great birthday gift.

The best part about shopping for watches that have a large selection. When shopping for a watch to keep in mind the recipient's overall style. Does he wear leather? Suits? Every person is different when it comes to their choice of watches. Personally I enjoy watches with steel bands. However, this is just my personal taste. This gift idea has a different price choices available. Some watches cost a few bucks, while others cost thousands.

# 1 Ties

One of the most traditional gifts of all time is a tie. Especially if the guy you are buying for a professional. We think bonds are a great gift, which is often overlooked. The first thing you should think about when buying a necktie to wear it?

If the person you are buying for does not wear a tie, then chances are you'll never use. Another thing to keep in mind the style. Although the tie, which is a cartoon character might look sweet and it's really not. Who would wear that? At the end of our last point about relationships is that they can be cheap. You will not have to spend a arm and a leg for this gift suggestion.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Clean Comedians

Although it is loud, bombastic, and potty mouth comedians tend to get the most publicity, it should be noted that the clean comedians also found a prominent place in the entertainment world. Their core audience is traditionally in corporate outings and conventions. However, in today's world we may find these non-vulgar talent is becoming more prevalent in mainstream areas such as television and nightclubs. And of course, they continue to do well in small, traditional niches such as class reunions, church groups, etc.

In reality, this trend toward the mainstream was somewhat forced by financial problems running rampant in the corporate world. Many highly pure comedy acts have felt the pinch of reduced corporate spending for non-essential employee benefit. Employment comedian, for example, give a motivational talk at the meeting seems to have been categorized as non-essential for corporate executives. Its refreshing to see these comedians to find new outlets for their talents.

Here are two prime examples of successful clean comedians:

Clean comedians Example # 1: Brian Regan

Brian Regan is probably the first name on the list either of pure comedy. He developed an act that is absolutely killing the audience, from kids to grandparents to evangelical Christians, with nary a curse word.

It was not always so with Regan, however. When he started in 1981 and was known to spice up a scarf drop the occasional F-bomb, but in the end he eliminated them from his act.

"I started thinking," If you're close to the goal anyway, why not just put the ball over the line? '"he says." It seemed kind of silly to be 95 percent pure. might as well be 100 percent clean and see what happens ."

Although his comedy can best be described as silly, but-hilarious observational humor ("holding a circus Funhouse Mirror" in society is how he describes it), he deliberately avoided stepping on the toes.

"I do not want my comedy to be devoid of perspective, " he says. "I'll give them the gift of knowing I'm not going to throw all four-letter words in there and I'm not going to guess on any sexual themes. But besides that, I reserve the right to be able to say something on stage.I must to be able to risk bumping against a topic here or there that could have someone go, 'Wow, I disagree with that. "That's fine. I do not want to be healthy so that no matter whatever ."

Example # 2: Ryan Hamilton

Ryan Hamilton has a clean comedian, who grew up in Idaho. He now makes his home, and usually performs in New York, where he made ​​quite a name for himself. His forte is clean humor with a little taste of Mormon. The interesting twist is honey to him is one of the best clean comedians in the industry. In fact he was recently named one of Rolling Stone magazine's "Five Comics to Watch" and appeared in the prestigious Montreal Just for Laughs Festival. Not bad for a guy who never resorts to vulgarity to get a laugh.

Hamilton says he is trying to be authentic and true to himself when he comes with its mixture of observation, energized comedy. "For me, it does not feel as though I myself changed as a person, or concessions .... talk about what I think is ridiculous, " he said. "I do not think about (vulgar) jokes and go 'Oh, I can not do it .'... It just does not come up when I write ."

Hamilton goes on to say that his focus is on clean comedy is not so much a moral decision as a matter of credibility. He said that not only want to be clear, though. He wants to do comedy that leaves people feeling happier than when they came, as opposed to negative, heavy mood that lingers long after the pessimistic or cynical comedian leaves the stage.

"You can go on the show and laughing a lot and come out feeling heavy, as though it speaks of the strip may be super funny, it can still have a tough tone, " he said. "You can cry and laugh out show a sense of" whew, I kind of feel sorry for that type of life. His life was really hard, and boy, there are many problems in the world .'... While it is important to place it in a comedy, I'm just kind of decided that I want people to laugh a lot and get a good feeling ."

If I were him, he says: "I want to be a good comedian, who happens to be Mormon, but Mormon comedian. Amen that!


with such a vulgar comedian running rampant on cable, I think we can all be thankful for the talents, such as Hamilton and Ragen. It is well known that humor may not be terrible, and it is not necessary to be offensive to be funny.

Four California Vacation Spots Kids Love

Do not bother with the obvious ones: California is absolutely full of theme parks. And let's not waste time hits Disneyland and Six Flags. Do not you see that tell you whether your children will love the theme parks.

Instead, we will try to focus on other California vacation spots kids love. It seems that after the theme parks, California is full of vineyards which, let's face it, bore the heck out of everyone under 21 (depending on how rebellious teenagers, that is). However, California has its share of a family where you will not find anyone dressed as a cartoon character.

Brief Disclaimer:

Keep in mind that none of these places, surely delight every kid in the world, and every kid has different tastes and interests, but we try to provide enough variety that you can find something that seems custom tailored to what really gets your kids excited.

La Brea Tar Pits

What makes the La Brea Tar Pits and the attached museum so appealing to kids is the sheer dramatic entertainment value it provides. More than just a bunch of dusty relics with plaques explaining where they came from, the museum is full of millennia old skeletons, animatronic shows, filled with saber tooth tigers and audio video presentations on ancient life. You can even watch the archeology team in the course of several days. That's the closest you'll get to dinosaur theme park without roller coasters.

Los Angeles Museum of Art

This is a dependent child. Some kids will go nuts over an art museum, while others will just go nuts with boredom. If your kids are artsy types, and the LA County Museum of Art can really have a positive impact. art collected from all over the world and traditional styles, with very little in the way of abstract or modern art. Here you'll find three stories of classical European and Asian sculptures and paintings, as well as some recent works from Norman Rockwell and other American artists. For young artists, the religious experience, but for anyone else, it's kind of delay.

Redwood National and State Parks

along the coast of Northern California (rent a car and drive along the coast, if you can) you will find the Redwood National and State Parks area, one of the natural California vacation spots kids love, covering more than one hundred thousand acres. This whole area of California is a kind of Mecca for American nature lovers. It is home to Sequoia, perhaps more commonly known as the California Redwood, the largest tree in the world. the scenery is beautiful, and the area is home to several endangered species including northern spotted owls, Steller's sea lions, and bald eagle. This is one of the best places you can hope that the athletic child.

Hollywood, CA

Everyone loves movies, but if you are planning a trip to Hollywood, a short warning May be OK: If you bring kids, please visit the Grauman's Chinese Theater, Walk of Fame, and the Wax Museum, poduzetislika known sign and call it a day. These parts of the city are very cool, other ... not so much. Many sites were destroyed. Of course, if you know which places to hit, it can be one of the California kids love holidays.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

How a Sense of Humour Can Lead to Happy Relationships

When conflicts arise in the relationship - and they will almost always - a sense of humor can help break the tension and frustration that will be developed as a result of this would actually help find solutions to the problem at hand. .

They say laughter is the best medicine, which is quite true. It's not healthy to everything in life too seriously. Laughter can help heal some of the world issues, and that is exactly what the sense of humor does not, brings laughter.

People all over love to be around someone who is happy and full of life. There are those who actually find someone who has a sense of humor very attractive or even sexy. It is also a way to be socially accepted and gain lots of friends.

So how does one achieve a sense of humor Try these tips?:


When something embarrassing happens to you, do not hang your head in shame -! That laughter will actually help you overcome shame Do not be afraid when others laugh at you, laugh with them. . This will also help to address any uncertainties May you have about yourself.

Say something funny in the argument to reduce tension

Nobody likes to argue. One way to avoid an argument getting out of control is to find something funny about the whole situation and use it to relieve tension. Laughter will lighten the atmosphere and encourage both to iron out your differences in a peaceful environment.

Hang out with the Happy People

There is no point in talking with pessimistic, tough individuals. They will depress you. Find fun-loving, outgoing friends who know how to live life and laugh. You'll soon realize that people love about you and you want to be with you all the time.

Get Happy sources

There are so many resources out there that could help you gain a sense of humor. comic books, joke books, sitcoms and funny movies. You can even save those funny e-mails that circulate from time to time and put their own 'spin' on them and use them at social gatherings.

Different Themes for Children Parties

The best part about the children of the parties is that they usually are based on themes, which make it more fun and entertaining, but it was not an easy task to do. The most famous kids party themes are usually from Disney cartoons, but a little creativity can really get to know different and unique ideas, which can make your child very happy.

First, you should try to keep the party theme, bearing in mind the character of your child's favorite cartoon. Many women would like to go for a princess theme, while boys like superheroes. Some classic threads are all time favorite for the children now, and no matter what happens, kids will love to have one topic on several occasions, if you base it on their favorite cartoon character.

Colors are another perfect children party theme. You can set the color and arrange accordingly. To do this, you will have to make sure that everything is in accordance with the color that you set, and this includes color cake, decorations, and party dresses from the host. Girls would love pink as a party issue, a boys generally go for blue.

costume parties are loved by everyone, if they can reach a unique idea, then this would be the perfect subject. Children love to dress up like their favorite characters and this will be the perfect excuse for them to dress as your favorite character and work the way their favorite characters to do.

film night will also be a good choice if you want to keep children fully occupied. Vote for best film, and you can show them the latest film, which nobody has seen yet. Make sure that children come to your party your child have parental consent to view the movie, as some parents do not want their kids to watch something, they have not seen yet.

Celebration of the new season will be a great issue, as kids love summer pool parties, and camping in the winters. If you want to do something unique and unusual, then it could be a great idea. Just be careful if you opt for such a party, then you should inform the kids before, so they come prepared accordingly.

Pet party to all those who love children and pets really have pets at home. Children can bring their pets, or even be dressed up as their favorite pet. Make sure you have enough space to cater for children and their pets, as well.

In short, creativity is an essential tool for planning theme-based parties for children. Ask your child what he / she really wants. Not only decide on the issue itself, because it might not be a favorite topic of your child, a child can ruin the mood. Try unique ideas, and not sticking to the old ones, and strictly follow the threads, you've set.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cartooning for Kids: Three Books That Can Help You Get Started

Most kids know you love to draw at some point. Some of them love it so much, go on making video games, comics, cartoons, and graphic novels. If you are looking for some excellent books on cartooning for kids, here are three that can help you get started.

One of the absolute best overall introduction to the Big Book of Cartooning Bruce Blitz. He starred in a public television show for many years, and I was able as a young person to learn from his techniques.

the book covers everything from basic cartooning skills, such as combining different types of faces, features and hairstyles, the different characters. It also shows how to draw the human body and add motion to them so that they are funny and dynamic, and not just standing still.

He does a great job of introducing cartoon effects and equipment. These are the kinds of things that make fun of cartoons and bring them to life, such as wavy lines that come from a slice of pizza, to show that it smells good. Or line the pond water or a mirror, to show that they are reflective. And the funniest of all, those little beads of sweat or action lines, like when someone has just thrown the ball.

There is a lot of mention on how to create comics, including how to knock them out, think up jokes, and make your case. For children who want to try their hands on type of superhero comics, it covers various ways to make your man go from goofy to wonder, from zero to hero. Also included are various positions you can use, such as lifting, taking off, flying and punching.

This is an all-inclusive work is also part of the cartoon or caricature portraiture. So you can draw funny pictures of yourself, friends, family, teachers, and give those away as gifts. You might even end up selling your work!

Another excellent review is Everything you ever wanted to know about cartooning but were afraid to draw . The author is a Disney-trained artist, so it's the perfect reference if you like that style. But it is too much covers all of the terms and drawing action is both comic book look.

One particular part I like is how to draw their own cartoons from different camera angles, and way down low. In this way, if you are trying to draw something from the perspective of a very small figure, such as a mouse looking at a person, you can get a funny look on their work.

Art for Children: cartooning: only cartooning book you'll ever need to contractor you've always wanted to be encourages children to experiment with different techniques to get their own styles. style is loose and open, so it's easy for kids to follow. There is also information about writing jokes and creating board.

So, if you're interested in cartooning for kids, these three books that will help you get started are perfect. You will have three completely different styles to study, and you'll have lots of ideas about the basics of drawing, as well as details on how to put it all together on your own cartoon creations. Happy cartooning!

Is the Devil Real?

is the devil real?

Who is the devil and he's made? Many of us want to "believe" that this little guy running around in a red suit, looking stupid. But is that "truth ?"

Who is the devil and he's made? Many of us want to "believe" that this little guy running around in a red suit, looking stupid. But is that "truth ?"


Who is the devil and he's made? Many of us want to "believe" that this little guy running around in a red suit, looking stupid. But is that "truth ?"


I'm finding more and more, if not actively seek to be good, gentle and tender, I'll be angry, hostile and harsh! This is my "natural" only, meat! one that is within us (me!), if we want to admit it or not. There is nothing good in us. (Romans 7:18)
Now I know some of you at least will be offended by this, but the truth is in God's word. I have a hard time with this concept, that is the truth. I want you to think of themselves as "good " guy, father, husband, father, brother, son and friend. But in reality, when compared to what God says about us, we are not. There is only one good person who has ever walked this earth. Jesus Christ! Furthermore, what is Paul talking about in Romans is the fight we have inside us, between our body and our spirit, and what you do, we do not, and what you do not want to do me! Ouch! (Romans 7: 19-20)

We are living in SIN us! Get used to it!

For me, I have a real hard time accepting this as truth, and then accepting I "saved" as the truth. How can both live in the same place? Paul says no, and if I believe that God is concerned, I just accept it, and then do something about the way I live my life. I have to take action. We have all at some time or another made ​​a plan, let's call it "action plan", where we wanted to do something, achieve something or go somewhere. We design something that represents an action plan, and then we'll continue to check things off as we go, eventually hoping to accomplish everything that goal is.

I, Buck is an action plan, will have to decide to hold my tongue and not be angry. Unless I do, I'm not "taking action", and I'm waiting for the battle to come to me. By the time I realized I was in a battle, I have done the damage - most of the time those who are most like! (James 1:19)

I've come to realize, especially in recent times, where there is absence of light (good), there is the presence of the Dark (bad or evil), which means that it was good or evil. In my home life, I think it is easier for the enemy to attack me than anywhere else. I can "vent" to my wife, making her the target of my frustration, anger or pride. I am also well aware of the scriptures that command me to love my wife, and not be bitter toward her. (Colossians 3:19) How hard is it this? For me, it is very difficult. Why, it's here! She is not someone that I have to go and seek to vent to, or someone that is in some distant land, it is right here! In his "meat" too! Guess what, when there are two persons, both of which are meat and that the "sin" in them, there are plenty of opportunities to "battle" to start ... and continue! the struggle goes on way past where they should, and a lot bloodier than ever intended. Not that the nature of the battle, however, rarely do we really know exactly how he would react exactly the enemy of our struggle, as there are, how skilled they are and how they persist. When our pride is involved, and we begin to defend our turf (pride) we are lions! We will fight til we have nothing left in us to fight with. We spent, poured out as Paul put it!

We must remind ourselves, yea, that we are changed. We have the Spirit within us who is fighting for us, if we "walk" in the spirit .... God. (Galatians 5:16-18) When we then begin to walk in the Spirit, we can then begin to see things change, the old nature, which is reflected in our attitudes, outbursts of rage, jealousy and other "body" of things, begin to fade away and we begin walk in a new way. (Galatians 5:19-21) As we begin to walk in this "new" way, we will see, or others will see us or from us, fruits of God, love, patience, gentleness and self control. (Gal 5:22)

I see glimpses of these "good" food from me every once in a while, but then the "old" nature comes and takes over for a little while. So, the battle within -! good versus evil

How often do we, men, we try as hard to communicate with our wives, only to be frustrated, and confused about what we wanted to say. We start out wanting to simply state the question, hit and run and not give any details about the accident. I just want to give a little information, and then continue on down the road. To work for human to human conversations, but not women, at least not mine. She then begins looking more and more information about the accident. Why? Who cares? It works!

I do not know about you, but this is the time when I stop the car, reluctantly, and I angry that I had to stop .... I just wanted to continue down the road. I wanted to leave the accident in which the .... do not bother with any details. (Proverbs 17:14)

I spoke with a man the other day who is married to a lawyer. We laughed about this issue, and he said: "How would you like to be married to a lawyer every time a" debate "you feel like you're on the witness stand being cross-examined?" He likes to do what all of us men love to do, just make a statement, without detail, and then continue down the road. He was lucky - he is "shared" some information - on her involved in the conversation! What more could she want? Man, that's when the volley of questions coming!

Returning to the discussion above, when I told my wife about this meeting, I asked - how many children he has, how old is he, what he is doing, where they live - you get the picture! I'm standing there thinking, wow, I must have missed something, I can not answer any, or not too many of these issues. Not that I do not care, it is to feel as if I wanted to know, he would have told me! Now we can go on and on about the differences between men and women and how they communicate, or not. But that is for another day and it would wear out to try and put it on paper today.

What is important about this story is that the enemy knows the difference too! So, if he knows he does not communicate the same way, or have the same desire to "knowing" the details, there is a great opportunity for the devil to attack! And he does!

When my wife asked me "issues, " she said, it seems much like the sand on the beach, I was quickly overwhelmed and start trying to find a way to leave the scene of the accident. Do you know what I mean? Two people just collided with different expectations about what is "enough" information. One only want to make a statement, while others want to, imagine this, talk! Who started it, ME!

As the frustration level gets higher, and the enemy starts to push my buttons and her, we are now fully engaged in battle. We did not want to be, we can start looking for a battle, but someone else did - the devil. He wants to destroy our witness .... each other! Now is where the man, the head of the house, you know, a place where we all wanted to be, but few ever really try and do it the right way, we must submit our women and put the devil in his place. "Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:04, "

We must decide to take action - it is an action? We, the people must decide to forgive and love our women, regardless of the crime or "who" has begun. being the same, we both burned and wounded, but it must lead to recovery and reconciliation. (Galatians 6:1)

I have a hard time with this, although my wife says I'm good at it. I know in my heart, I do not actually take action, but what I should or could. I'm thinking about it long before I'm actually putting the action plan into effect.

When we start to actually take a step towards good, we will see rewards and actions. It's called confidence and putting myself "out there" for his wife, or any other links for that matter. (Galatians 6:09) There are times when I just "feel" like I was a hurt, and it's not my job to go and make things right - wrong! It is your job!

It is difficult, but it is your business and nobody else. Get used to it!

the enemy is always looking for any opportunity to share those whom God has brought together. Every little crack in the armor, or a house, is an opportunity for him to rule you, and destroy your witness. (Mark 03:25)

I came across a phrase the other day that seems appropriate at this time - "If you're looking for justice, we will die with justice;. if we show mercy, we will die with mercy, " We are showing mercy in everything we do. It was a conversation with our wives, sons and daughters or anyone ever, we show mercy, but if you do not want any mercy for ourselves. God showed us mercy by giving his Son for our sins. (John 3:16)

Why do we still live in slavery to the enemy? I can not speak for you but for me it is that I do not actively try and do good when I'm given the chance. I have been lied to for so long, I have a hard time believing in the truth. (John 8:31-31)

we are the enemy, he called the devil!

What youchoose to to do about it ,or not ,our own decisions . It is our pride, where it is located. The decision to do good, or not.

I hope this May Help someone. For me, it's therapy, I sit down and pour it as Paul did - cleaning themselves from harm. (2 Cor 7.1)

Every day is another day where I have the opportunity to show the man God intended me to be, instead of a devil like others to see. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) Growing up in the Lord is not easy, but it is what we are called to do. (1 Cor 13:11)

Have a blessed day.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Voice Talent Can Make Or Break Your Animated Production

When you are faced with casting a voice actor for animated production, there are certain things you must know before you proceed. You can not just decide to produce, and then go hire a voice actor and hope everything turns out okay. Even if you've done a lot of work on the script, it is not going to be together unless you cast the right people in place. No matter how well the line, if the voice actor does not deliver them properly, then your vision will be realized.

You May not even know what the voice actor delivering the lines properly entails. That's all fine if you're ready to get over some of the creative process to the voice actor. But you must know enough about it to cast a voice actor you know will do a good job. This means that you understand what you're casting for the character, and that will take into account all the variables, such as stress, rather than look for someone to fill the role.

Is your character and the original complex? Is he a rogue with a heart of gold and many shades to his personality? a character like that, even in an animated production, will need a voice actor who can remove the complexity of character. That means you have to understand those complexities, so that they can explain the voice actor - unless, of course, you are ready to give the actor a creative license and see what happens. This is a valid approach, but it is best if you're doing it because you trust performance chops voice actor, but because we're just hoping he knows more than you do.

If your character is a stereotypical or archetypal character, you will need a voice actor who can play strong, even exaggerated, character. inflection must be able to suggest that archetype. For example, it takes a certain kind of oily yet suave voice Mephistophlean play a role and voice with even more fat to play a weasel-type character. You know the type I mean. He is usually quick talking, petty thief or a thin supporters. For your project, you need to find someone who can create the effect that with his voice and dialogue alone. character is not going to tell his audience he was fat supporters.

Does your character has an accent? If so, how realistic should be? Not every voice actor can do accents. It takes a lot of work and a real pro for download accent as a native speaker. Think Hugh Laurie, who plays the main character in House, MD He is an Englishman, but you can not say that was not born and raised on American soil. Excessive stress can be done for comic effect or simply to suggest the emphasis. Audiences have a tolerance for bad accents as long as you are consistent and strong. You'll need to know ahead of time you need a voice actor who can do the accent you need, in the style you need to do.

do not have to know every last thing about the character's voice before it is cast, as small details are impossible to plan and that will be discovered in the process. However, you must plan ahead and know what to look for when you approach agencies looking for voice actor or seven.

Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt and the 'Teddy' Bear

Did you know, most lovable and recognized childhood icons of the 20th century - bear - has a deep relationship with none other than Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, 26 President of the United States? Want to know more?

In November 1902, Theodore (or 'Teddy'as it is fondly called by his intimate circle) Roosevelt, 26 President of the United States, residing in Mississippi. Roosevelt was there to help resolve the border dispute between Mississippi and Louisiana. In his spare time to attend the important political issues, Roosevelt was invited by Mississippi Governor Andrew H. Longino participate in bear hunting in Mississippi, apparently one of the favorite recreational activities in the region.

A few other hunters have competed in this bear hunt, and many are already proudly displaying their recent kills. However, much of the disappointment of their hosts, hunting is not offering to kill. Eager to remedy the situation and want to avoid the inconvenience of having their distinguished guests to return empty handed, his hosts came up with "plan'.

and hunting guide hunting dogs managed to run the country the old and adults injured American black bear, which in any case offers little resistance to his capture tame. Bears then won the tie for the post and the President was invited to be a shot at him and kill him. Needless to add, President Roosevelt was appalled and flatly refused to play along, arguing it unfairly. Instead, he ordered the old and sick bear to get out of his misery. However, the question was not destined to rest there ...

the story spread and caught the imagination of political cartoonist, Clifford Berryman, who drew a fair view of the scene as it might be. cartoon, "Spare Bears" appeared on November 16, 1902 in the Washington Post, showing the 26th U.S. president refused to shoot tame goal. This set the ball rolling soon and helpless cubs cartoons began appearing in other newspapers as well.

sniff a lucrative opportunity to surprise a bear mania, astute trader Brooklyn, Morris Michtom, decided to show two stuffed toy bears by his wife in the shop window. He requested permission from President Theodore Roosevelt call these toy bears Teddy's bear. "Permission was granted, and the rest, as they say, is history. His teddy bear toys flew off the shelves, prompting Michtom establish Ideal Novelty and Toy Co., which still exists today.

Few have Michtom understand that making history, and introduces to the world an icon to go to mesmerize generations of young and old alike as an all-time favorite childhood soft toy.

It was not just the U.S., who fell instantly in love with this adorable bear. Across the continent, in Germany, the physically challenged German tailor, Margarette Steiff created a plush toy teddy bear for her catalog for the Steiff Company. They are exposed to a toy in Leipzig Milanovic March 1903 and 3000 exports to the U.S., little knowing that the bear has captured the imagination of the country.

Since then, there was no looking back. Teddy bears have come into our lives and were here to stay ...
Since its inception, something suspicious, teddy bear came to represent everything good and pure and innocent in the world. mandatory requisite in every nursery and cute and nice gift for their loved ones, teddy bear and still rule the hearts and minds.

Recognizing the huge potential market for these toys teddy bear, other manufacturers joined in a bear mania since 1906, along with the original players Michtom and Steiff. Teddy Bear craze reached a crescendo in women carrying them wherever they went, and children who are separated from their teddies. President Teddy Roosevelt used as his mascot in his bid for reelection.

American educator Seymour Eaton came up with a children's book series "Roosevelt Bears, " which became a huge success.

original teddy bear, made ​​in 1903, was submitted to the Smithsonian President Theodore Roosevelt's grandson, Kermit. Teddy bear enthusiasts can see the most carries of all time at the National Museum of American History.