Sunday, May 29, 2011

10 Training Myths Busted

10 Common Fitness Myths:

There are several myths that have been decades in the gym. If I had a quarter of the myths I've heard from clients, and even the coaches, then you would probably end up with about $ 100. It's pathetic how many "coaches" and exercise enthusiasts to spread disinformation without even noticing it. Here are some common myths:

1 Heavy weights for bulk, light weights to tone the


It must be the most common and poorly understood myth in the gym today. It is usually used by women who insisted on the belief that productive, heavy training by men automatically leads to huge muscles. Let me tell you as a coach and a person who trains religiously, nobody ever got a great chance! This myth is just to say: "I'd rather not jog this morning, because I do not want to win in a marathon run this year." Calories build muscle! You can tone muscles, muscle toning is a myth! Muscle "form", which is usually what people call a "tone" is actually a natural genetic form of your muscles. You can build muscle while you burn overlying fat, but you can not tone muscle. If you do not believe you can change the genetics, then we ask that suddenly grows 5 cm. Please make a sudden your arms grow in length. Please, suddenly transformed into a giant bear. Do you see my point? Cutting fat can often result in the appearance of a well-rounded, more balanced muscle, it is not due to the high repetition work. Common sense tells us that, of course, will look thinner and different fat because the fat loss is no longer covers the muscle.

2 "Turn fat into muscle !"

You gotta be kidding me, right? Turn fat into muscle? I'm sure someone said this in his past. The fact is, you have to believe, it is misinformation. "Fat is your body is stored energy, the energy you consume through food and not used as ATP (energy). "muscle"is a large and sometimes small, hard things that allows you to move with the permission of the central nervous system. You can burn fat and build muscle you can, but do not suddenly turn into another. Then you have to ask: "Why are fat people is stronger than skinny people." Most fat people are stronger because your muscles have to work harder in order to allow movement for them. Their biceps moving £ 5 to flex your elbows, your biceps are 2 pounds or whatever your hand tends to


3 Stick to the isolation of the movement, the compounds interfere with the development of hypertrophy.

This has got to be the most overrated there is a myth. This myth is probably the main reason not to train in the gym. First off: your body does not work in isolation, she works in the unit. Do not believe me? Every movement of the human body requires more than one muscle to contract. Notice when you flare your elbows out when the bench, you can put more demand on unnecessary muscles, and are more prone to injuries. This is because your DNA is smarter than the idiot who said that isolate your chest for maximum growth, or any other muscle for that matter. Movements use more muscles, and this is something that should be respected, not avoided. Let your body move the way it is designed to move, you will receive fewer injuries and more power in this way


4 "Walk up to a larger guy and do what he does !"

This myth is most ridiculous. Anyone who has the experience to be seen when walking noodle walk to the man who has escaped from Jurassic Park and ask him how he trains. Beginners nervous system, tendons and muscles need to work differently than the big guys. You should be training differently in the sense that what you do develop your body as a whole, where it could be more isolated using the approach of lagging muscle development. Get your information from books. Any genetically gifted idiot in the gym can not tell you how to do something, it takes a clever idiot to publish it


5 "More is better ."

I've heard so many times people say things like: "He spends five hours a day in the gym 6 days a week." You should be aware that this is his problem. Yes, I just said problem. See, your body uses food for energy in the gym and it is often quickly run out of glucose, when it runs out of glucose and has a contract: it either will be used creatine phosphate or break down amino acids (stored in muscles) to make glucose in order to maintain their energetic body. It is also harder on your nervous system and endocrine system. endocrine system produces testosterone to anabolic muscle gains, and to produce cortisol, a hormone that is catabolic, which means it eats muscle, after a long period of stress. Spend no more than three days a week at the gym as a beginner, and when you become more advanced, you can get away with four days. It does not matter that the guy on steroids, because his testosterone is not natural, it is a synthetic


6 "Cholesterol is bad !"

First of all: there are two types of cholesterol, one is poor, the other is good. HDL, means "high-density lipo-proteins" and this is your good cholesterol. This cholesterol is used to eliminate excessive testosterone and testosterone negative (LDL) from the body, because it contains "a high lipoprotein, which gets its name from containing more protein than cholesterol. You can find examples of HDL in the high-protein meals such as chicken, eggs and fish. Now, other types of "LDL", which is mainly found in sweets and red meat is bad cholesterol. "LDL" means "low-density lipoprotein. Be aware of which one you're consuming.

7 "The machines are safer than free weights"

This myth is popular as a result of the stupid commercials that you brain washed into thinking their product actually works. Sooner or later, ends disappear and you never hear of it again. I wonder why? They made ​​their money off of it, and complaints are now nobody wants to buy and they are caught in its lack of effectiveness.

You must understand your body moving in different planes of motion, not just one. When you set down on the couch rails are guides, not to be. Machines lack the maturity and stabilization of focus on agonists and synergists muscle (unnatural), and the results automatically in a serious imbalance. Do not believe me? Exercise at smith machine for six months, and then go test bench. I bet it is not so much on free weights rather than machines. Why is this so? Because the machine is not to develop your stabilizer muscles. Also moving indirect aircraft movements that are unnatural for the human body. Never let the bar way to determine the rail or cables!

8 "Work the muscles, not movements !"

First off all do not work "muscles" are doing MOVEMENT! See how far you get unnatural movements outside the gym. Better yet, design a person "A" routine as the bench press as his primary exercise for the chest and flown to other people. Bench presses will progress more, will hit more muscle, and will develop the core better. As long as your resistance exercise and weight progress, you are getting bigger and stronger. Even so, shares are often neglected the proper frequency of muscle. Studies have shown that hitting the muscle with lower volume spread out over weeks instead of blasting the muscles in one workout and returned it seven days later is far more beneficial to the natural pickup. You recover faster and exercise more, and that means its less hard on the nervous system and allow more opportunities for advancement


9 "chinups the dominant bicep ".

Oh boy, I just had to include this. Chinups biceps work harder than the back? Really? OK. Cool. Well, I want you to prove this theory. How you might ask? Well, I want to go to the gym and curl your body weight. If you do, then you have proven to me that the biceps by pulling your weight up on chinup. The fact is - it is not. lats existence based on their ability to pull out. Everything you do with supinated grip pronated grip instead of taking the lift from the teres minor and using less Brachioradialis. We are also putting your biceps in a more efficient pulling position, where it can be improved with the help of lats. LAT movement is dominant, it does not work the biceps, but the dominant impetus comes from the larger and more demanding of the upper back muscles


10 "Am I overtraining ?"

can answer that, but - NO! "Over" and "training " is often assumed to mean "training too much." For a person who has done their research, I can see why they assume this is a fact - that's not what it means. "Overtraining" is a psychological condition that results from elaborating too hard for too long. You do not get insomnia, difficulty breathing, depression and all these other side effects from training your biceps too hard in one session. It comes from the impact of large movements too hard for too long without deload week. There is "overreaching" phase that comes before the overtraining phase. Overreaching is often misleading to overtraining, but the two are not the same. Overtraining is much worse, it is a condition that can not pass unnoticed. This is something that most professional and advanced lifters have to worry about. If you've been overtraining your nervous system, do not you think you want to be the first to notice it? It would take months of training in order to recover, and some said that it will never be the same again. Do not think as a state of overtraining, I think it's a disease.

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